Jerome S. Fischer, MD
Medical Advisor, Endocrinology

For 36 years, Dr. Fischer was a senior partner of the Diabetes & Glandular
Disease Clinic, and a founding member of the DGD research center, an
endocrine specialty practice. While practicing at Methodist Hospital System,
he was involved in creating and implementing diabetes care technology,
developing paper forms and protocols evolving into computerized models.
Throughout his career, he has focused on the potential of HIT to profoundly
impact and improve diabetes care. He has also enjoyed the recent success of
the latest ICU program for software intensive insulin decision support.
Currently he is a member of the Glooko advisory board, connected care group
at Lilly, and consulting for iSage, Bioconscious (Diabits and Endobits), Tandem,
and Pathfinder He has lectured for various pharmaceutical companies,
including Janssen, Lilly, and Amgen. With his retirement from clinical practice,
he is looking forward to continuing to make contributions
to diabetes technology by helping to improve the quality and ability for
patients and the care team to work together through innovative technology –
making connected care a valuable part of the healthcare system.